Holiday Basket Delivery (Thanksgiving & Christmas)
- Thanksgiving Delivery Date: Saturday, November 17, 2019
- Christmas Delivery Date: Saturday, December 22, 2019
During the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday Season, the Brothers of Charles H. Wesley Lodge No. 147 work in conjunction with the Prince George's County Department of Social Services to prepare and deliver food baskets to underprivileged families within Prince George's County. Baskets are typically delivered on the Saturday before the corresponding holiday.
Holiday Basket Delivery Chairman
Annual Prayer Breakfast
- Date: Saturday, April 11, 2020
- Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
- Location: The Cardinal Room at Boswell Hall
- Map: 6111 Columbian Way, Bowie, MD 20715
- Featured Guest: RW Reverend Ronald A. Boykin, Pastor of Seaton Memorial AME Church, Lanham, Maryland
- Featured Soloist: Reverend Jamila J. Woods, Pastor, Jabez Christian Community Church, White Plains, Maryland
- Purchase Tickets: 2025 Annual Prayer Breakfast
- Sponsorship: Annual Prayer Breakfast Sponsor
- Flyer: 2025 Prayer Breakfast Flyer
The Brothers of Charles H. Wesley Lodge No. 147 host a Prayer Breakfast annually in the month of March that provides a wonderful opportunity for family, friends, and the surrounding communities to fellowship and engage with the Brothers of the Lodge. The Prayer Breakfast features an invited guest speaker that is an ordained pastor or minister who enlightens the program's attendees with with an inspirational message, and several African-American Heritage Bibles are given as gifts to attendees of the event.
Prayer Breakfast Chairmen
The Brothers of Charles H. Wesley Lodge No. 147 annually participate in the
City of Bowie's Bowiefest event, a long-standing tradition in the City bringing the best of Bowie’s civic organizations, entertainers, and businesses to one place for one day. The event features rides, performances, contests, and a host of food and drink options throughout the park. There's also an Arts and Crafts fair, a Business Expo in the Ice Arena and local organizations, including Charles H. Wesley Lodge No. 147, of every size and interest are on hand to introduce you to what we all do and perhaps entice you get involved with supporting the local community through one of the many organizations on display at the event.